
 Anglophone Postcolonial Studies

Anglophone Postcolonial Studies

Anglophone Postcolonial Studies is an open access book series publishing research that critically examines the history and legacies of different types of colonialisms as well as transcultural negotiations throughout the Anglophone world in various frames of reference, from local to global phenomena. Anglophone Postcolonial Studies focuses on peer-reviewed academic work and uses its open-access digital platform to promote inclusive and participatory discussions.

 Interdisciplinary Studies in Antigypsyism

Interdisciplinary Studies in Antigypsyism

Book series initiated by the Research Centre on Antigypsyism

The peer-reviewed, open access book series will offer insights into a young and dynamic research field that calls for different methodological approaches. The aim of the series is to firmly anchor antigypsyism Studies in the academic discourse and to serve as a source of impetus for further research.

 Documenta Nepalica

Documenta Nepalica

Book Series

Documenta Nepalica: Book Series is an open access publication series edited by the Research Unit “Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal“ of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. It aims at disseminating research results on historical documents and related texts from Nepal and the Himalaya region.

 Einsichten - Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Einsichten - Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

With "Einsichten - Ausstellungskataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg" (Insights - Exhibition Catalogues of the Heidelberg University Library), the Heidelberg University Library launches a new series for its exhibition catalogues in 2019. In cooperation with institutes of the Heidelberg University, but also with external partners, these publications present mainly its own holdings. With its exhibitions, the Heidelberg University Library fulfils its public mission to communicate cultural heritage.

 Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality

Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality

HST is a peer-reviewed, open access book series promoting research on transcultuality. The series features works that investigate cultural, social, and regional formations that have themselves been constituted and transformed through contact with other regions and cultures.

 Heidelberger Schriften zur Musikwissenschaft

Heidelberger Schriften zur Musikwissenschaft

The Heidelberger Schriften zur Musikwissenschaft is a peer-reviewed open access series in which only outstanding monographs in the field of musicology from antiquity to modernity are published.

 Höfische Kultur interdisziplinär (HKI)

Höfische Kultur interdisziplinär (HKI)

Schriften und Materialien des Rudolstädter Arbeitskreises zur Residenzkultur

The Rudolstädter Arbeitskreis zur Residenzkultur e.V. has founded a new series of academic papers in 2019, which presents to the public a series of relevant studies, materials and works on the subject of courtly art and culture in the early modern Roman-German Empire and Europe in general.

 Cultural Heritage: Materiality—Text—Edition (KEMTE)

Cultural Heritage: Materiality—Text—Edition (KEMTE)

KEMTE (Cultural Heritage: Materiality—Text—Edition) is a peer reviewed Open Access publication series, edited by the Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage (HCCH) and the Collaborative Research Centre 933 ‘Material Text Cultures’ at the University of Heidelberg. It publishes volumes on topics of cultural heritage and its materiality as well as historical-critical editions. It offers the possibility of publication as ‘digitally enhanced eBooks’.

 Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes are aimed at students interested in exploring a specific topic in great depth. They provide a didactic account of essential fundamentals in a specific scientific field, while at the same time addressing and describing current topics of active research and controversy within the field. Lecture Notes on a given topic bear the mark of the specific lecturer who produced them, offering a great opportunity for students, and others, to gain unique insights into these topics and beyond from experts in the field.

Das  Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte

Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte

This open-access series offers a forum for double-blind peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and intercultural monographs and anthologies that are thematically focussed on topics from the field of medieval studies. It aims at integrating different methodological approaches and innovative perspectives within the interdisciplinary discourse, yet without neglecting basic research.


 Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe

Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe

Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie

Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe | Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie è una collana open access. I temi trattati riguardano la storia d'Italia e della musica italiana, nonché la storia dei rapporti italo-tedeschi, in contesti transregionali e transnazionali; l'arco temporale coperto si estende dal medioevo al passato più recente.

Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe | Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie is an open access series. Its topics range from the history of Italy and Italian music to the history of Italian-German relations in trans-regional and transnational contexts, covering the time frame between the Middle Ages to recent past.

 Pariser Historische Studien

Pariser Historische Studien

Les Pariser Historische Studien (PHS) sont une collection de publications internationale éditée par l’Institut historique allemand (IHA). Y sont présentées des monographies qui se situent thématiquement dans les domaines de recherche de l’IHA : l’histoire de l’Europe occidentale, l’histoire de France depuis l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à nos jours ainsi que les relations franco-allemandes.

 Russia and the Asia-Pacific

Russia and the Asia-Pacific

Russia and the Asia-Pacific is an interdisciplinary book series that focuses on Russia as a Pacific country. It deals in depth from a historical and contemporary perspective with the mesh of relations between Russian actors and those from other countries bordering on the Pacific. The quality of the series is ensured by a procedure of peer review.

 Schriften zur Südwestdeutschen Hofmusik

Schriften zur Südwestdeutschen Hofmusik

Schriften zur Südwestdeutschen Hofmusik (Writings on Southwest German Court Music) are an Open Access publication series edited by the “Südwestdeutsche Hofmusik” research centre of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. It primarily publishes the results of the research centre in the form of monographs, conference reports and annotated source editions.

 Studien und Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung

Studien und Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung

The series Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung covers publications related to the papyrus collection, particularly editions of Heidelberg papyri and ostraka.