How to Cite

Bandau, Anja, Brüske, Anne and Ueckmann, Natascha (Eds.): Reshaping Glocal Dynamics of the Caribbean: Relaciones y Desconexiones, Relations et Déconnexions, Relations and Disconnections, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2018.


ISBN 978-3-946054-89-4 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946054-88-7 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-947732-14-2 (Softcover)




Anja Bandau (Ed.), Anne Brüske (Ed.), Natascha Ueckmann (Ed.)

Reshaping Glocal Dynamics of the Caribbean

Relaciones y Desconexiones, Relations et Déconnexions, Relations and Disconnections

The Circum-Caribbean and its diasporas constitute a space of relations and disconnections. Historically, the Caribbean served as a bridgehead for the European conquest of the Americas and a point of exchange of human beings, ideas, and commodities. It also became a laboratory of modern forms of social, political, and economic production. Today, the region represents a multilingual space of conviviality for many different cultures, but is also the focus of the dissonances, ruptures and insularities produced by its distinct histories of colonialism and resistance. This interdisciplinary volume seeks to explore how (non-)circulation of ideas occurred historically in the glocal production of knowledge in and about the Caribbean and to formulate a clearer picture of who is creating which vision of the Caribbean, and how. The 33 contributions in this volume shed light on the transversal fields of (1) Academic and Artistic Approaches, (2) Arts and Visual Studies, (3) Environment and Sustainability, (4) Migration and Knowledge Circulation, (5) Entangled Histories and Memories.

Anja Bandau is professor for Romance Literatures and cultures at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Her current research focuses on transnational literatures and cultures in the context of Caribbean Diaspora and migration as well as its historic dimension since the 18th century.

Dr Anne Brüske has occupied research and teaching positions at Heidelberg University since 2008. Her current research project focuses on the production of space in contemporary Caribbean diaspora literature.

Natascha Ueckmann is assistant professor of Cultural Studies at the Martin-Luther-University of Halle. Her study on the Aesthetics of Chaos in the Caribbean was published in 2014. Her most recent research focuses on Enlightenment’s reception in contemporary French-Caribbean Literature.

Media coverage

"[...] the volume’s case for Caribbean Studies is convincing, since the book itself seems to embody not only what the present of the field looks like, but what it could look like in the future: a field which, though diverse in its occupations and expansive in its outlook, has an ever-changing, shared point of focus."
Sigrid Thomsen, in:  Iberoamericana, XX, 75 (2020), 314-315.


Table of Contents
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Anne Brüske, Anja Bandau, Natascha Ueckmann
I. Academic and Artistic Approaches to ‘the Caribbean’
II. Arts and Visual Studies
III. Environment and Sustainability
IV. Migration and Knowledge Circulation
V. Negotiating History: Entangled Histories and Memories
On the Contributors
