[2022–]Apocalyptica is an interdisciplinary, international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS) at Heidelberg University. The journal publishes incisive analyses from diverse perspectives regarding the end of worlds.
The journal publishes research from a broad range of fields in order to champion the potential of critical thinking and cultural analysis in the humanities as well as the social and cultural sciences. Apocalyptica encourages the production of cross-disciplinary knowledge and debate on the apocalypse as a figure of thought, a discursive node, a historical experience of past and present, and an empirical phenomenon.
Bausteine einer Korpusgrammatik des Deutschen
[2020–]Bausteine einer Korpusgrammatik des Deutschen (“Building blocks towards a corpus grammar of German”) is a series presenting corpus linguistic studies on German grammar conducted at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim (IDS). Using state-of-the-art corpus linguistic methodology, the series aims to capture the diversity and variability of German grammar at a high resolution. At the same time, it aims to ensure the study results are verifiable. Issue by issue, the series will add “building blocks” for a new, consistently corpus-based grammar of German. In addition to the peer-reviewed texts, which are written in the style of grammar chapters, the series publishes the results of statistical analyses and, for selected topics, the underlying data sets.
[2019–]Cursor_ is a theological open access journal with the aim of bringing academic debates, innovative formats, and different publics together digitally. Cursor_ is a theological workshop where questions at the intersection of church, academy and society are treated in an interdisciplinary and innovative way. Cursor_ connects peer reviewed academic writing with innovative formats (“theology in simple language”, “lab reports”, essayistic texts, etc.). It uses the possibilities of digital platforms for more inclusive and participatory discussions.
Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online
[2017–]The process of setting norms for language and language use is closely related to critique of language and its use. The German term Sprachnormenkritik as yet has no equivalent in English, French, Italian, or Croatian linguistics. Notwithstanding, the concept of ›critique of language norms‹, or aspects of it, have been debated in all these languages for centuries.
Heidelberger Jahrbücher Online
Campus Media[2016–]Heidelberg Yearbooks Online is a platform for the scientific spirit and the historic dimension of Heidelberg University. The Yearbooks are hosted by the Friends of the University, a non-commercial organization in support of Heidelberg University. Each yearbook focuses on an overarching thematic issue that will be interpreted by heterogenous points of view. The yearbooks are intended to foster communication and contact between scientists from different disciplines.
heiEDUCATION Journal. Transdisciplinary Studies on Teacher Education
[2018–2023]heiEDUCATION Journal. Transdisciplinary studies on teacher education was an interdisciplinary and scientific online journal. In usually at least two issues per year, the heiEDUCATION Journal published original research on teacher education. The journal was addressed to all those involved in teacher education. It was targeted at scientists, students, teachers, as well as agents active in vocational training and from educational policy-making.
The last issue was published in 2023.
The Journal of Transcultural Studies
[2010–]The Journal of Transcultural Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal committed to promoting the knowledge and research of transculturality in all disciplines. It is published by the Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies (HCTS) at Heidelberg University.
Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung
[2021–]Since 1996, the Mediävistenverband e.V. has published the biannual magazine 'Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung', which sees itself as a forum for interdisciplinary medieval studies. The issues are thematically oriented, combine contributions from at least three different disciplines and deal with current issues from all areas of medieval studies.
Online - Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet
[2005–2020]Online is an international open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Institute of Religious Studies at the University of Heidelberg (Germany). The journal is committed to promoting and (theoretically and methodically) advancing scientific research at the interface between religion and the internet.
Ruperto Carola
Campus Media[2012–]The "Ruperto Carola" research journal reports on scientific findings and current research activities at Heidelberg University. Every issue is dedicated to a central theme of high social relevance, to which Heidelberg scholars contribute by presenting related research projects across the entire range of disciplines and subjects. The journal is published by the President of Heidelberg University and edited by the "Communications and Marketing" team.
Studium Generale
Campus Media[2016–2021]Die Publikationen des Studium Generale sind von der gleichnamigen ehemaligen Vorlesungsreihe (heute: Ruperto Carola Ringvorlesung) abgeleitet, die in jedem Semester ein Schwerpunktthema aufgreift und für die interessierte Öffentlichkeit aufbereitet. Herausgeber ist der zuständige Prorektor und Vorsitzende der Kommission Studium Generale, die redaktionelle Verantwortung liegt bei der Abteilung Wissensaustausch.
Das Erscheinen der Publikationsreihe wurde mit Heft 2019 (2021) "Ressourcen. Rohstoffe, Daten, Menschen" eingestellt.