Radjai-Bründl, Jihan Jennifer: Repräsentationen der israelischen Soldatin im Netz der Bildkulturen, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022. https://doi.org/10.17885/heiup.629
Repräsentationen der israelischen Soldatin im Netz der Bildkulturen
Representations of female Israeli soldiers are a popular subject in photography. However, a notable controversial imparting exists concerning gender and identity: heroic depictions of female Israeli soldiers as shown by the Israeli military in their official representations are in contrast to portraits which are either sexualized or appear as a form of criticism on military service as such and the responsibility of young women soldiers towards the state and the people.
This analysis focusses on aspects of the visual language and aesthetics in the context of the cultural history discourse of Zionism, as well as on stereotypes such as the ›beautiful Jewess‹ in European painting since the 18th century. The results offer a unique contribution to Jewish studies by combining methods of gender studies and art history, as well as visual studies.
Jihan Jennifer Radjai-Bründl, Judaist and freelance curator for photography, studied Jewish Studies and Religious Studies in Heidelberg. She worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Jewish Art at the College for Jewish Studies in Heidelberg, where she did her PhD in 2019. From 2013 to 2015 she was involved in various exhibition projects in the Department of Photography and Media at the Jewish Museum Berlin and worked as a project manager on the concept for the new permanent exhibition.
Table of Contents
I. Einleitung
II. Präsentationen und Performanz
Das israelische Militär im öffentlichen Raum
III. Visuelle Repräsentationen der israelischen Soldatin in der zeitgenössischen Kunstfotografie
IV. Konzeptionen und Konstruktionen in der Malerei
Eine diskursgeschichtliche Übersicht zum Bild der Jüdin
V. Konzeptionen und Konstruktionen in der Fotografie
Eine diskursgeschichtliche Übersicht zum Bild der israelischen Soldatin