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Die Kunst der Narkose
Geschichte der Heidelberger Anästhesiologie. Festschrift anlässlich des 50-jährigen Jubiläums des Ordinariats für Anästhesiologie an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 2017
Anesthesiology has a long and eventful tradition in Heidelberg, beginning with the first “narcosis pioneers” – then part of the surgical ward – of the 19th century and resulting in an independent department whose chair was established in 1967. The development of modern anesthesiology is impressive, being a central branch within the field of contemporary medicine, including intensive and emergency medicine, as well as pain treatment and palliative medicine, thus linking the individual operative and non-operative departments. In the light of modern medical and demographic developments, anesthesiology faces the challenge that a growing number of older and seriously ill people undergo surgery. This requires a fine balance between individual needs and the economic necessities and progressive commercialization of medicine.