Anglophone Postcolonial Studies

Anglophone Postcolonial Studies

Anglophone Postcolonial Studies explores cross-cultural encounters and negotiations in historical and contemporary contact zones in Africa, the Caribbean, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, Canada, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand, and in diasporic contexts throughout the Anglophone world. Postcolonial theory constitutes an important frame of reference for the book series. Anglophone Postcolonial Studies is open to research that critically examines the history and legacies of colonialisms in various frames of reference, from local to global phenomena, as well as social and cultural processes of transformation that reach beyond this nexus.

The volumes in the series explore a wide range of regional, cultural, and historical issues in World Anglophone and Postcolonial Studies and provide free worldwide access to current research in these areas.

Bibliographic details

Anglophone Postcolonial Studies is edited by the Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien e.V. (GAPS)
Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies


Christian Mair
Annika McPherson
Cecile Sandten
Katja Sarkowsky
Frank Schulze-Engler

ISSN (online): 2941-4962
ISSN (Print): 2941-4911

Published so far

Sukla Chatterjee (Ed.), Joanna Chojnicka (Ed.), Anna-Katharina Hornidge (Ed.), Kerstin Knopf (Ed.)

Postcolonial Oceans: Contradictions, Heterogeneities, Knowledges, Materialities

This book contributes to the study of oceans, seas, coastal waters, and rivers within blue humanities by broadening, circulating, and interweaving knowledge about such waters, ocean epistemologies, and sea narratives from pluriversal epistemological, geographical, cultural, and disciplinary perspectives. The contributors from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, North America and the Pacific explore the interconnections between oceans, coastal areas, rivers, humans, animals, plants, organisms, and landscapes in the fields of cultural history and cultural studies, critical race and postcolonial studies, marine and environmental studies, linguistics, literature, film and media studies.