How to Cite

Fuß, Eric et al. (Eds.): Grammar and Corpora 2016, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2018.


ISBN 978-3-946054-84-9 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946054-82-5 (Softcover)
ISBN 978-3-946054-83-2 (Hardcover)




Eric Fuß (Ed.), Marek Konopka (Ed.), Beata Trawiński (Ed.), Ulrich H. Waßner (Ed.)

Grammar and Corpora 2016

In recent years, the availability of large annotated corpora, together with a new interest in the empirical foundation and validation of linguistic theory and description, has sparked a surge of novel work using corpus methods to study the grammar of natural languages. This volume presents recent developments and advances, firstly, in corpus-oriented grammar research with a special focus on Germanic, Slavic, and Romance languages and, secondly, in corpus linguistic methodology as well as the application of corpus methods to grammar-related fields. The volume results from the sixth international conference Grammar and Corpora  (GaC 2016), which took place at the Institute for the German Language (IDS) in Mannheim, Germany, in November 2016.

The editors of this volume are researchers at the IDS and were organisers of Grammar and Corpora 2016.

Eric Fuß graduated from the Goethe-University Frankfurt and held positions at the Universities of Stuttgart, Frankfurt, and Leipzig. He is currently a researcher at the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim. His primary research interests are language change, linguistic variation, and the interface between syntax and morphology.

Marek Konopka received his PhD degree in German Linguistics from the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg. He currently conducts corpus-based research at the Institute for German Language in Mannheim and is the head of the project “Corpus Grammar”.

Beata Trawiński received her PhD degree in General / Computational Linguistics from the University of Tübingen. She worked as a researcher and lecturer at the Universities of Vienna, Passau, Göttingen and Tübingen. In 2013, she joined the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim. She is the co-head of the project “German Grammar in European Comparison”. Her research focus is on Germanic and Slavic languages and corpus linguistics.

Ulrich Hermann Waßner obtained his Dr. Phil. in General Linguistics from the Westfälische Willhelms-Universität of Münster. He has worked since 2000 at the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim. He is involved in the projects “Corpus Grammar” and "Grammis II” and investigates variation in German word formation and syntax and semantics of German connectors.


Table of Contents
Front Matter
Eric Fuß, Marek Konopka, Beata Trawiński, Ulrich H. Waßner
I. Corpus-Based Grammar Research
Tom Bossuyt, Ludovic De Cuypere, Torsten Leuschner
Current Trends and Issues
Johanna Marie Poppek, Tibor Kiss, Francis Jeffry Pelletier
II. Methodology and Application
Joanna Bilińska, Monika Kwiecień, Magdalena Derwojedowa
Current Trends and Issues
Christian Lang, Roman Schneider, Karolina Suchowolec
John Nerbonne
