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Identifier (Buch)
Beyond Grammar Description: Applying Corpus Analysis to Disciplinary Education
Abstract Corpus-based studies of grammar have greatly increased our understanding of language use. As a field, however, corpus linguistics has been less successful in moving beyond description to substantive impacts. Many corpus studies claim important implications for education, but outside of second language teaching and translation, the results are rarely applied. In contrast, this paper describes a project designed to advance engineering education in the United States. The project has conducted several kinds of corpus-based grammar analyses of student and practitioner writing, and then applied the findings to materials that improve the preparation of students to write as professional engineers. Additional corpus analyses are used to analyze the impact of the materials on student writing. This paper traces the process used in the project and discusses its successes and challenges, encouraging other corpus linguists to apply their skills to diverse disciplines.
Keywords Corpus-based research applications, English corpus linguistics, engineering writing, corpus-based grammar teaching