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Identifier (Buch)
Deutsche Stützverbgefüge in Referenz- und Spezialkorpora: Vergleichsstudien mit dem DWDS-Wortprofil
Abstract The paper deals with the use of so-called empty verb constructions in different text types. It reports on relevant comparative studies carried out in the Digital Dictionary of the German Language (Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, DWDS) and the DWDS word profile. The latter makes available syntactic co-occurrences, which can be used to search potential empty verb constructions in large corpora without having to resort to manual search routines. The studies compare the occurrence and productivity of selected empty verb constructions in a newspaper corpus, a blog corpus and a corpus which is balanced for text types, making use of the association measures provided by the DWDS word profile.
Keywords Deutsche Stützverbgefüge, Textkorpora, Textsortenbereiche, syntaktische Kookkurrenzen, Assoziationsmaße