Peer Review


Peer review makes an important contribution to quality assurance. By making the strengths and weaknesses of the publication visible, it makes it easier for heiUP to decide whether to accept or reject a manuscript and helps editors and authors to improve their work. Peer reviewers who write a review for heiUP undertake to always remain professional in their evaluation and to refrain from personal criticism.

The peer review process is double-blind based on the guidelines below. In the case of journals and series, the responsibility for conducting the peer review process lies with the respective journal and series editors.

Reviewer Guidelines

Heidelberg University Publishing stands for the publication of high-quality, open access academic texts. In order to ensure compliance with our quality standards, we must rely on expert advice. The following points, which should be discussed in the reviewer’s final report, are particularly important when assessing submitted manuscripts:

  • Factual relevance and timeliness of the topic
  • Originality of the approach
  • Transparency of the procedures, methods, and results (if applicable)
  • Traceability of results (if applicable)
  • Structural coherence and logical progression within the work
  • Linguistic quality in terms of spelling, grammar, and appropriate style/register

Given the intended target group, Campus Media publications are not necessarily peer reviewed.