How to Cite

Butz, Reinhardt: Über die ältere und edlere Herkunft der Wettiner in Sachsen: Georg Spalatins Invektive von 1541 gegen Herzog Heinrich den Jüngeren von Braunschweig, in Israel, Uwe, Kraus, Marius and Sasso, Ludovica (Eds.): Agonale Invektivität: Konstellationen und Dynamiken der Herabsetzung im italienischen und deutschen Humanismus, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2021 (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, Volume 17), p. 307–332.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96822-088-8 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-087-1 (Hardcover)




Reinhardt Butz

Über die ältere und edlere Herkunft der Wettiner in Sachsen

Georg Spalatins Invektive von 1541 gegen Herzog Heinrich den Jüngeren von Braunschweig

Abstract Georg Spalatin’s writing “Chronica vnd Her­komen der Churfuerst vnd Fuersten des loblichen Haus zu Sachssen ...” against the Guelphs is a humanistic invective from the princely-court milieu commissioned by Elector Johann Friedrich I of Saxony. Printed in Wittenberg in 1541 and accompanied by numerous source documents, the text argued for the superiority of the Wettins over the Guelphs due to their ancient lineage. The invective be­tween the princely houses reached a certain journalistic climax in that year and was continued for years and de­cades, albeit in a weakened form. Basically, this public dis­pute, which was also carried out with the help of invective, was about an existing older dispute between the princes of Saxe-Lauenburg and the Guelph Brunswickers about the transfer of the Saxon electoral status to the Wettins in 1423, and thus about their hegemonic position in the imperial structure.