How to Cite

Botrugno, Lorenzo: Gasparri ed i rapporti con il Regno Unito nel pontificato di Pio XI: Spunti per la ricerca a partire dalle sessioni della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari, in Pettinaroli, Laura and Valente, Massimiliano (Eds.): Il cardinale Pietro Gasparri, segretario di Stato (1914–1930), Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2020 (Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe: Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie, Volume 4), p. 141–161.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-947732-86-9 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-947732-84-5 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-947732-85-2 (Softcover)




Lorenzo Botrugno

Gasparri ed i rapporti con il Regno Unito nel pontificato di Pio XI

Spunti per la ricerca a partire dalle sessioni della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari

Through unpublished documentary sources – the minutes of the meetings of the Sacred Congregation of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs – the essay aims to illustrate Pietro Gasparri’s privileged perspective over anglo-vatican relations. While mainly focused on his period as Cardinal Secretary of State of Pius XI (1922–1930), some hints will also be given to his tenure of office during the pontificate of Benedict XV, as well as to Consalvi’s and Rampolla’s influence on his way of perceiving British matters. Gasparri’s role and attitude will be analysed with particular reference to the negotiations on the appointments of Apostolic Delegates in the British Empire (1926) and the conflict between Church and State in Malta (1928–1932).