Further reference:
Effinger, Maria; Krabbes, Frank; Withanage, Dulip: Crossmediales Publizieren bei Heidelberg University Publishing. In: BIT online Bd. 21. Wiesbaden, b.i.t. Verlag.-GmbH (2018), Nr. 5, S. 393-403
Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP) uses Open-Source-Software and participates in the development of innovative publication technology. This includes software development as well as co-operation with partners such as the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and active participation in national and international user networks (e.g.
- Monographs and collected volumes: Open Monograph Press (OMP)
- Journals: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- Database: Oracle MySQL
- Comprehensive searching: Apache Solr
- Online reading environment: heiVIEWER
Typesetting and Layout
- Adobe InDesign is used for manual typesetting and cover design.
- AntennaHouse Formatter for automatic typesetting in XML-First-Workflow
XML workflow
- Journal Article and Interchange Tag Set (JATS) and Book Interchange Tag Set JATS Extension (BITS)
- XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) with AntennaHouse-Erweiterungen
- meTypeset for XML conversion