Rights and licences

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What rights to your work do you transfer to heiUP

heiUP operates an author-friendly rights policy. All we require from you is the granting of simple rights of use, with no time or geographical limits, for online publication and distribution of the print edition. All rights beyond this remain with you.

Under what conditions would you like to allow your readers to use your work?

The basic prerequisite for a publication at heiUP is that you as author agree to an Open Access publication. Whether and under what conditions your work may be redistributed and possibly modified depends on the licence you choose for your work:
If you decide to publish under a CC licence, a further distribution of your work by third parties is generally permitted. This means that you not only agree to your own text being passed on (to which you have the rights of use), but also any other text and/or images contained therein.

Please check carefully therefore, whether you have the necessary permission from copyright holders to use third-party images or other content for further distribution. If there is no danger of infringing the rights of third parties, we recommend publishing under a CC licence, ideally a CC BY-SA 4.0 licence. An overview of the most frequently used Creative Commons licences can be found in the following table, and in the info box to the right.

Use according to a CC BY-SA 4.0 licence

CC BY SA: By granting this licence, you authorise third parties to distribute and modify your work, including for commercial purposes, as long as the author/s of the original work is/are named and the new works based on your work are published under the same conditions.

Use according to another CC licence

CC BY: By granting this licence, you authorise third parties to distribute and modify your work, including for commercial purposes, as long as the author of the original work is acknowledged.
CC BY ND: By granting this licence, you authorise third parties to redistribute the work, commercially and non-commercially, as long as it is complete, unmodified and authorship is acknowledged.
CC BY NC as with CC BY – with the additional restriction that no commercial use is permitted.
CC BY NC SA as with CC BY SA – with the additional restriction that no commercial use is permitted.
CC BY NC ND as with CC BY ND – with the additional restriction that no commercial use is permitted.

Whenever you are unsure about the use of external image material, we recommend that you publish under the label “Free access – all rights reserved”.

Free access – all rights reserved

This work is protected by copyright and/or related rights, but accessible free of charge. Use, in particular duplication, is only permitted within legal copyright limits, or with the consent of the copyright holder.