Information for authors

Book Proposal

If you are interested in publishing your work with Heidelberg University Publishing, please send a book proposal, along with a table of contents (in draft form), a 5–7 page synopsis of your project, your CV (2 pages), and—if available—a sample chapter to Once we have received your documents, they will be submitted to our advisory board. The board will determine whether your intended project fits the scope and focus of the press and, if so, suggest two peer reviewers. You will be asked to submit your complete manuscript, which, once received, will be sent out for peer review.

Services We Provide:

Downloadable Information

  • Publication in Multiple Formats—Online and Print

    Each work is published in various digital formats (PDF and HTML) and as a print-on-demand book (hard or soft cover), which can be purchased in regular bookstores and from online vendors.
  • Assistance with the Editorial Process

    Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP) offers comprehensive support throughout the publication process, including high-quality language editing assistance for both English and German texts. We will help you prepare images, audio, and other multimedia data, and handle both the layout and cover design process.
  • Visibility

    In order to ensure maximum visibility of all publications and to allow convenient access to both our digital and printed media, we provide each format (PDF, HTML, and print-on-demand books) with a unique ISBN. Each book series will also be assigned an ISSN and online publications will receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Bibliographic information and content descriptors (keywords, subjects, etc.) both for the individual book and book chapters or essays within edited volumes will be cataloged to ensure optimum visibility in databases, search engines, and both national and international library catalogs (such as HEIDI/HeiBIB, K10+, KVK, Google Scholar, DOAB, Open Library, Worldcat). Our books are also listed in national and international trade directories (e.g. Amazon, VLB, and and can be ordered online or through retailers. Additionally, we support authors with proof for the payout of royalties from copyright collectives such as VG Wort.

Publishing with heiUP

Please note that, since heiUP is an Open Access publisher, works published by heiUP fall under a Creative Commons license (preferably CC-BY or CC-BY-SA). The copyright of the work shall remain with you as the author, with the publisher retaining only a simple right of use. Further information can be found under “Rights and Licenses”.

Authors are also responsible for all content that they do not produce themselves. This includes, for example, images, videos, data, audio files or diagrams. Any material that is not the sole creation of the author may only be used with the consent of the respective rights holder or on the basis of legal permissions. heiUP accepts no liability for the use of third-party content.

If you generate content of your work with the help of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content, AIGC), you must describe the use of this tool transparently and in detail in a "Methods" section. As the author, you are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the tool and for correctly citing any supporting work (sources) on which this information is based. You can find a clear handout to citing AI tools on Berlin Universities Publishing website.

If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be required to pay a contribution to the production costs.


For optimal visibility and attribution of your publication, we recommend setting up an "Open Researcher and Contributor ID" (ORCID). This is an internationally valid code, available free of charge, which gives researchers a digital identity. It allows a clear and permanent assignment of author, research institution and publication. Detailed information on ORCID can be found at