How to Cite

Rubin, Jonathan: Authorial and Scribal Interventions in Medieval Accounts of the Holy Land: Burchard of Mount Sion’s ‘Descriptio Terre Sancte’ as a Test Case, in Bauer, Martin, Booth, Philip and Fischer, Susanna (Eds.): To Jerusalem and Beyond: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Latin Travel Literature, c.1200-1500, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2023 (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, Volume 19), p. 15–33.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96822-129-8 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-130-4 (Hardcover)




Jonathan Rubin

Authorial and Scribal Interventions in Medieval Accounts of the Holy Land

Burchard of Mount Sion’s ‘Descriptio Terre Sancte’ as a Test Case

Abstract Burchard of Mount Sion’s ‘Descriptio Terre Sancte’ is a Latin account of the Holy Land composed in the 1280s. Its detailed nature as well as its carefully crafted structure made it popular in late medieval and early mod­ern times. The ‘Descriptio’ was not only widely read and cited, it was also constantly re-edited, first by its author and later by generations of scribes and editors. Following a recent study which resulted in the production of a stem­ma codicum of the so-called ‘long version’ of the ‘Descrip­tio’, the present paper further investigates such editorial processes, aiming to provide new insights into both the nature of Burchard’s own efforts to revise his work, and the ways in which, intentionally and unintentionally, lat­er scribes brought about changes in this popular treatise. Inter alia, this study traces the ways in which the cultur­al gap between Burchard and some of these scribes – for example with regard to their acquaintance with the Holy Land’s geography – shaped the development of the ‘De­scriptio’ and its reading from the time of its original composition until the present.