How to Cite

Wassenaar, Jelle: Townspeople, Group Belonging, and Collective Agency in Post-Carolingian Historiography, in Fafinski, Mateusz and Riemenschneider, Jakob (Eds.): The Past Through Narratology: New Approaches to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022 (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, Volume 18), p. 123–142.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96822-108-3 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-107-6 (Hardcover)




Jelle Wassenaar

Townspeople, Group Belonging, and Collective Agency in Post-Carolingian Historiography

Abstract This article deals with depictions of townspeople in tenth- and early eleventh-century narratives. It argues that during the tenth century the narrative function of these groups in historiography changed fundamentally. In Carolingian and earlier tenth-century narratives, towns­people tend to play largely tangential and passive roles; from around the middle of the tenth century, authors be­gan to increasingly accord agency and a more central role to townspeople. Although these mentions of townspeople in post-Carolingian histories have traditionally been ap­proached as providing a window into processes of ‘em­bryonic’ urbanisation, this paper suggests that the shift in their narrative function must also be understood in the context of the changing nature of diocesan identity pol­itics created through the dissolution of the Carolingian Empire.