How to Cite

Egetenmeyr, Veronika: Constructing Emotions and Creating Identities: Emotional Persuasion in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris and Ruricius of Limoges, in Fafinski, Mateusz and Riemenschneider, Jakob (Eds.): The Past Through Narratology: New Approaches to Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022 (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, Volume 18), p. 75–92.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96822-108-3 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-107-6 (Hardcover)




Veronika Egetenmeyr

Constructing Emotions and Creating Identities

Emotional Persuasion in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris and Ruricius of Limoges

Abstract It is undeniable that the act of letter writing should be understood as a communication process in which information is shared, discussions are held, and different persuasion strategies are applied for convincing the ad­dressees of certain pleas or ideas.

This paper focuses on emotional persuasion as a nar­rative instrument in the letters of Sidonius Apollinaris and Ruricius of Limoges to demonstrate that the authors con­structed emotional communities with their readers. Based on this community, they wanted to convince their readers to follow a particular lifestyle: Romanitas and Christianitas. An in-depth analysis of emotional persuasion in their let­ters can contribute to a better understanding of the literary circles of Sidonius and Ruricius.