How to Cite

Viarengo, Ilaria et al.: Defining Marriage and Other Unions of Persons in European Family Law, in Pfeiffer, Thomas, Lobach, Quincy C. and Rapp, Tobias (Eds.): Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life – Towards a Common European Understanding: EUFams II and Beyond, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2021, p. 151–216.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96822-089-5 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-090-1 (Hardcover)




Ilaria Viarengo, Francesca Villata, Nicolò Nisi, Lenka Valkova, Diletta Danieli, Cinzia Peraro

Defining Marriage and Other Unions of Persons in European Family Law

Abstract: This contribution focuses on the notions of marriage and other unions of persons for the purposes of the application of the regulations in European family law concerning the personal status as well as the financial aspects of maintenance and property regimes. Prior to this analysis, a comparative overview of the national legal models available to couples and considerations on the broader framework of EU free movement law are also provided in order to set the background against which the subsequent private international law assessment is carried out.

Keywords: marriages, partnerships, unions, personal status, maintenance, property regimes