How to Cite

Ensink, Gabriele et al.: Die Notwendigkeit einer veränderungssensitiven Versorgung: Die Expertenperspektive, in Kruse, Andreas and Schmitt, Eric (Eds.): „... der Augenblick ist mein und nehm ich den in Acht“: Daseinsthemen und Lebenskontexte alter Menschen, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022, p. 271–296.

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ISBN 978-3-96822-075-8 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-076-5 (Hardcover)




Gabriele Ensink, Andreas Kruse, Matthias Mettner, Hartmut Remmers, Georg Ruppe, Beate Wild

Die Notwendigkeit einer veränderungssensitiven Versorgung: Die Expertenperspektive

Abstract This chapter reports on the results of a survey of members of medical and nursing care systems as well as of psychosocial counselling systems; N = 100 of the experts interviewed came from Germany, another N = 100 from Austria and Switzerland. In the interviews, participants were asked to make statements about which areas of the medical, care and counselling systems are characterised by strengths and which by weaknesses. The topics addressed could be assigned to five thematic comple­xes: “deepened understanding of old age”, “class differences in access to care and counselling”, “regio­nal differences in the quantity of care”, “extension or expansion of care offers”, “altered focus in care practice”. In addition, N = 450 questionnaires from employees of the care and counselling system were evaluated. A large number of the respondents stated that geriatric rehabilitation should be defined as an obligatory component of medicine for older people, that preventive care for older people must be significantly improved and that long-term care insurance should provide a significantly stronger in­centive for the activation and rehabilitation of older people. Different attributions of importance and evaluations were found with regard to aspects of social integration and life commitment in old age, which were assessed as more important in the eyes of the representatives of psychology and social work, in contrast to aspects of palliative care, which were mainly emphasised by members of the me­dical and nursing care system.

Keywords Health care, palliative care, regional inequality, rehabilitation, social inequality