How to Cite

Herweg, Michael: Varieties of Manner of Motion: A Frame-Semantic Account, in Gerwien, Johannes, Marberg, Ines and Nicolaisen, Kristian (Eds.): Die kognitive Perspektive: Wie Menschen über die Welt sprechen. Festschrift zu Ehren von  Christiane  von Stutterheim, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2024, p. 195–224.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96822-162-5 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-163-2 (Softcover)




Michael Herweg

Varieties of Manner of Motion

A Frame-Semantic Account

Abstract This article introduces a fine-grained distinction of types of man­ners of motion in a frame-semantic setting. The frame-theoretical backdrop is provided by the FAMEu approach presented in Herweg (2020) and aug­mented with a theory of verbal types and dynamic interpretation in Herweg (2021). FAMEu features an extension of the Cognitive Grammar notion of pro­filing (Langacker, 2013). The enhanced profiling mechanism allows each type of motion verb to impose its characteristic profile on a basic LOCOMOTION frame, which provides an expressive structure that facilitates the represen­tation of major elements of the linguistic description of motion events. The particular profile associated with a motion verb may select, deselect and augment substructures of this general frame, as well as elaborate on signif­icant relations between different substructures. Frame representations for three forms of complex manner constructions and six basic types of manner-of-motion verbs are defined on this theoretical basis and illustrated with ex­amples from German, French and English.

Keywords motion verbs; manners of motion; frame semantics; profiling