Jaspert, Nikolas

Nikolas Jaspert (Ed.), Sebastian Kolditz (Ed.)

Entre mers—Outre-mer: Spaces, Modes and Agents of Indo-Mediterranean Connectivity

The history of individual seascapes has recently become a vibrant and innovative field of research. Nonetheless, connections between seas (entre mers) and the imagination of lands „beyond the Sea“ (Outre-mer) have only rarely been focused in these contexts. This is precisely the main aim of the present collection of essays, which results from a conference held at Heidelberg University. The individual papers treat various aspects of transmarine connections, their regulation and mental expansion in an Indo-Mediterranean context, which comprises the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, as well as projections of seaways to India on other maritime areas, thus spanning a wide chronological spectrum from Egyptian antiquity to the onset of the Atlantic Age in the sixteenth century.

Axel Michaels (Ed.), Margareta Pavaloi (Ed.)

The Scholar’s Choice: Lieblingsstücke Heidelberger Wissenschaftler aus dem Völkerkundemuseum der von Portheim-Stiftung. Eine Ausstellung anlässlich der Eröffnung des Centrums für Asienwissenschaften und Transkulturelle Studien (CATS)

This volume, which emerged from an exhibition of the same name, comprises seventeen objects from the Ethnological Museum of the von Portheim Foundation in Heidelberg that address various themes of life: love, disguise by masks or jewellery, religion, music, food, measurement and weighing, books, weapons, travel, domination, death. The objects were selected as their favourite pieces by Heidelberg scholars associated with the Centre for Asian Studies and Transcultural Studies, which opened in 2019.