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Identifier (Buch)
Projekt eines Dialektatlas von Nordmarokko
A project for a dialect atlas of Morocco had to be given up due to unforeseen circumstances at the beginning of this century and only some articles, mainly on north-eastern and north-central Morocco, could be published in EDNA (Estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí) and elsewhere. Since in 2007 the atlas of the Rif Berber dialects by Mena Lafkioui was published and recently quite some new material on the Arabic dialects of north-western Morocco, a dialect atlas of Northern Morocco, after filling some gaps in the West, is within reach. It will be primarily an atlas of the Arabic dialects of the area, but whenever it is appropriate, Arabic and Berber data will be combined on maps. This mainly refers to phonological and lexical features which is illustrated by 18 maps.
Keywords Arabic dialectology, Moroccan Arabic, Berber, dialect geography, language contact, substratum