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Identifier (Buch)
Un tentativo d’importazione dalla Moldavia di bovini destinati al mercato fiorentino all’epoca di Cosimo I de’ Medici
Abstract The attempt to import cattle from the Principality of Moldavia to Florence was due to the initiative of the merchant Domenico Amoroso, brother of Costantino Amoroso, captain of a galley of the fleet of the Duke of Florence Cosimo I de’ Medici and his man of trust in the Sixties of the sixteenth century. Domenico Amoroso was one of the Italian merchants often present in Constantinople and in the Romanian principalities, as an agent of Levantine merchants subjected to Ottoman’s rule, and most likely of some of the Venetians engaged in mercantile trade in Central and Eastern Europe in the second half of the sixteenth century. Since 1560–1561, at the end of successive journeys in Wallachia and Moldavia, Domenico Amoroso had understood that the profitability of merchant traffic with raw materials and beef cattle, goods available in relevant quantities in the Romanian lands, could be exploited to start a selfemployment activity and supply the Florentine market, where there was certainly a particularly important clientele, the most reliable and safe one. Thus, in the summer of 1564, relying on the influence of his brother Costantino Amoroso near the Duke of Florence, Domenico Amoroso asked Cosimo I de’ Medici for a ducal letter addressed to the prince of Moldavia to allow a quick start of the mercantile trades that were to supply the Tuscan city market with goods that usually arrived in Venice. But, on behalf of the authorities of the Serenissima, the Venetian merchants conducted close negotiations with the correspondent of Prince Alexander Lăpuşneanu, obtaining the opportunity to purchase the availability of goods from Moldavia, anticipating Domenico Amoroso and nullifying his plan to start a flow of imports in Florence of raw materials and cattle coming from the Romanian principality. Domenico Amoroso did not cease his trading at the service of the Levantine and Venetian merchants, and between sixteenth and seventeenth centuries one of his relatives, Battista Amoroso, lived in Moldova, as a respected and wealthy merchant involved in trades between Venice and Central and Eastern Europe.