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Identifier (Buch)
“Il modo de Restaurare la religione in Ungheria”
Una proposta italiana del primo Seicento per la diffusione del cattolicesimo tridentino in Ungheria
Abstract The subject of the research paper is the memorial presented to Pope Paul V on the 3rd May 1606 with the title “Il modo de Restaurare la religione in Ungheria” that contains the detailed programme of the Hungarian Catholic reform, and that was most probably issued at the nunciature of Prague. The document, which used the former plan of Cesare Speciano, suggests the foundation of a pontifical seminary at Košice (Kassa; Kaschau) based on the model of that of ClujNapoca (Kolozsvár; Klausenburg). It also urges the realization of those council and papal deliberations that oblige the bishops to establish a seminary, even with the seizure of capitular benefices for this purpose. A particular emphasis is placed on the role of the Collegium GermanicumHungaricum of Rome in the plan. Besides the education of future priests and providing the institutional background of missions, however as less urgent tasks, such aspects are mentioned as the restoration of the traditional cult of Our Lady and the Italian type fasting discipline, which included also abstinence from eggs and dairy products, and as the introduction of the Roman Breviary because of the neglect of the daily recite of all the canonical hours and the chaos in the liturgy. The plan emphasizes that the nuncio and preeminently an apostolic visitor should be entrusted with the reformation of the bench of Bishops, which had showed yet medieval features, and the clergy.