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Identifier (Buch)
The Pope, the King, and the Bishops
Papal Nuncio Angelo Pecchinoli and the Limits of Papal Power in the late Fifteenth Century
Abstract Angelo Pecchinoli became a papal nuncio with the powers of a legate de latere in summer 1488 and he was sent to the court of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary and Bohemia. His mission had a number of elements that could be categorised and analysed very well, because there is a number of documents that were preserved. There are not only his instructions and faculties, but also his reports, which survive – for the late fifteenth century – in a relatively high number. Also, other documents are preserved and when taken into account together, they give us a chance to analyse the tasks of the nuncio in detail. The topics are manifold and include the discussions on the crusade and the relation to Ottoman Turks, local church problems, libertas ecclesie, indulgences and many others. All together these create a clear picture of the functioning of a late medieval legation.