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Identifier (Buch)
Between the Visual and the Aural
Elias Canetti’s "The Voices of Marrakesh"
Abstract This chapter is concerned with the deconstruction of the visual, and by extension visuality, as a hegemonial concept and takes Elias Canetti’s The Voices of Marrakesh: A Record of a Visit (1967) as its subject. Already in its title, Canetti emphasizes hearing rather than seeing. The book, which is divided into fourteen short-story-like chapters, both fragmentarily and phenomenologically describes Canetti’s experiences and encounters in Marrakesh from the perspective of a foreign visitor. Ultimately, The Voices of Marrakesh is concerned with language itself, as it poetically displays and enacts the culturality of the senses through a complex web of encounters.
Keywords Elias Canetti, The Voices of Marrakesh, Deconstructing Visuality, Aurality, Fragmentary Perception