
Brijnath , Bianca: Indians Abroad: Kinship, Capital, and Technology in Transnational Care, in Brosius, Christiane und Mandoki, Roberta (Hrsg.): Caring for Old Age: Perspectives from South Asia, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2020 (Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality, Band 8), S. 237–251. https://doi.org/10.17885/heiup.597.c8400

Identifier (Buch)

ISBN 978-3-947732-94-4 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-947732-95-1 (Softcover)
ISBN 978-3-947732-93-7 (PDF)




Bianca Brijnath

Indians Abroad: Kinship, Capital, and Technology in Transnational Care

Abstract Migration and an ageing population will create and demand new modalities of care. These processes are shaped by structural forces like citizenship, flows of capital, and access to healthcare, as well as individual notions of family, love, and compassion. This chapter explores how care is conceived and delivered in transnational Indian families, and what families gain and lose as a consequence of geo-physical distance. There is empha­sis on how the notion of “family” is sustained and yet also altered across borders, the role of remittances in funding transnational health-seeking, and what happens when distant “real” kin are replaced with immediate paid care attendants. Three key concepts—kinship, capital, and technolo­gy—are used to structure the analysis and ethnographic data from urban India and auto-ethnographic data as a member of a transnational family to provide evidence for the argument.

Keywords capital, care, kinship, older people, technology, transnation­alism