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Varieties of Manner of Motion
A Frame-Semantic Account
Abstract This article introduces a fine-grained distinction of types of manners of motion in a frame-semantic setting. The frame-theoretical backdrop is provided by the FAMEu approach presented in Herweg (2020) and augmented with a theory of verbal types and dynamic interpretation in Herweg (2021). FAMEu features an extension of the Cognitive Grammar notion of profiling (Langacker, 2013). The enhanced profiling mechanism allows each type of motion verb to impose its characteristic profile on a basic LOCOMOTION frame, which provides an expressive structure that facilitates the representation of major elements of the linguistic description of motion events. The particular profile associated with a motion verb may select, deselect and augment substructures of this general frame, as well as elaborate on significant relations between different substructures. Frame representations for three forms of complex manner constructions and six basic types of manner-of-motion verbs are defined on this theoretical basis and illustrated with examples from German, French and English.
Keywords motion verbs; manners of motion; frame semantics; profiling