How to Cite

Rudolph, Pia: Stadtansichten in den Pilgerberichten von Jean de Mandeville und Bernhard von Breydenbach, in Kipf, Johannes Klaus and Schwarz, Jörg (Eds.): Stadtgeschichte(n): Stadt und Kultur in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2024 (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, Volume 21), p. 167–186.

License (Chapter)

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Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96822-236-3 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96822-237-0 (Hardcover)




Pia Rudolph

Stadtansichten in den Pilgerberichten von Jean de Mandeville und Bernhard von Breydenbach

Abstract  Erhard Reuwich’s realistic views of cities, which illustrate Bernhard von Breydenbach’s pilgrimage book ‘Peregrinatio in terram sanctam’, occupy a special position in the genre of the travelogue. Readers are more likely to encounter depictions of cities typical of pilgrimage reports in Jean de Mandeville’s ‘Itinerarius’, which has been widely passed down and does not orientate the proportions of the figures and buildings to the actual proportions, but rather to the importance attached to the buildings. Reuwich’s topographically accurate vedute, on the other hand, were included in other genres and media, but the depictions of the city do not appear to have had a major influence on the illustration of the pilgrims’ books.

Keywords pilgrimage; travelogue; cityscape