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Ein Ketzer in der Leibgarde des Borgia-Papstes (1501). Aus den Appellationen gegen die spanische Inquisition in den Registern der Poenitentiaria Apostolica 1478–1503
Abstract Rome often received appeals from the accused against the Spanish Inquisition, which had been imposed forcefully by Ferdinand and Isabella and initially watched with suspicion by the popes, because of its aggressive methods. And indeed, the popes initially protected the suspects (including many Jewish conversos and marranos). The description of their personal cases, demanded from the petitioners, gives a vivid – and often terrible – insight into the fates of these people and their parents, whereby there is talk not only of faith, but also of the „purity of blood“ (limpieza de sangre). Among those prosecuted by the Spanish Inquisition there is even a man from the closest vicinity of Alexander VI, a bodyguard accused of the so-called „heresy of Durango“ (rampant in the Basque region), and a woman in Bruges, who had traded there for years.