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Digital Significance
Abstract Digitisation policies set the frameworks for the work that museums are able to conduct in the field. A comparative analysis of digitisation policy whitepapers from a selection of European countries as well as Australia can help shed light on digitisation areas that are well covered versus those that require more attention. One hypothesis that can explain any imbalances found may be that these imbalances stem from needing to meet prioritisation targets made in other government policies pertaining digitisation policy more broadly. A second hypothesis is that practical matters related to the physical process of digitisation itself may play a large role in hindering progress in some areas while easing it in others, despite the ambitions of policymakers. Sanchez Laws argues in this contribution that before assuming that an imbalance of available digital material in a given area is directly connected to lack of attention to certain groups or topics, it is important to understand the governmental conditions that underpin digitisation.
Keywords Digitisation, Europe, Museums, Practices, Policy