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Identifier (Buch)
The Use of Progressive Aspect in Two Varieties of Swiss German
Abstract The present study explores the use of the progressive am-periphrasis in Swiss High German and in the Bernese dialect, since the progressive form is considered particularly vital in both Swiss High German and Swiss German dialects. Based on a scene description task, data were collected at a Bernese high school, allowing to determine differences in the frequency of use of the am-periphrasis. Furthermore, it is analyzed which semantic attractors of the items used in the video affect the selection of the am-periphrasis. Another analysis concerns the verbal representation of the events (macro- or micro-event) in order to highlight connections between the selection of form and temporal conceptualization. The argument structure of the verbs used was also considered to identify differences with regard to the incorporation of direct objects.
Keywords progressive aspect; Swiss German; conceptualization of events.