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Complexity and Style of Modern Spanish Literary Texts
Abstract This article discusses whether text complexity can be seen as a dimension of authorial style, and if so, which linguistic features are suitable for the description of both complexity and style. First, the notion of text complexity will be defined, followed by a presentation of its evolution from readability studies. In addition, a comparison regarding definitions of text complexity and literary style will be followed by various parameters of text complexity used in a research project on the linguistic complexity of modern Spanish literary texts conducted at the University of Kassel, presented together with the tools and methods used for their analysis. In conclusion, an investigation concerning a selection of parameters and data from the project regarding a stylistic point of view will be offered, prior to the results being discussed and future research steps being proposed. First analyses show that metaphorical density, sentence length, clause length, the index of subordination, the density of the noun phrase, and logarithmic average (word) frequency and combinations of some of those parameters could be suitable for the description of some of the novels analyzed in this article.
Keywords: text complexity, authorial style, readability, Spanish, literary texts, metaphor identification