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Digital Stylistic Analysis in “PhraseoRom”
Methodological and Epistemological Issues in a Multidisciplinary Project
Abstract This article is based on the literary corpus of the ANR-DFG1 PhraseoRom project (https://phraseorom.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/?language=en), which analyzes a large annotated corpus of novels (about 2,500 items) from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in French, English and German, composed of historical novels, science fiction, fantasy, romance, crime fiction, and ‘general literature’ novels. The methodology used to build and explore this corpus is semi-automated by the interrogation tool Lexicoscope, based on automatic language processing methods and a corpus-driven approach. In this article, we present the stylistic annotation methodology of this corpus which links phraseological analysis of a large literary corpus together with stylistic issues concerning its formal and literary implications, through the concept of motif. We discuss the definition of motif and its methodological and epistemological implications on the contributions of digital tools for stylistic analysis.
Keywords: PhraseoRom, stylistic annotation, motifs