Pilot project 'Online-based self-organized learning' at the comprehensive school Schinkel Osnabrück
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This essay presents the experiences we have made with and within our project classes of self-organized learning (SOL). In these classes, analogical and digital learning intertwine. The subjects of discussion will be the basic pedagogical, methodological, digital, and analogical tools necessary in order to achieve successful, efficient, and healthy learning as well as teaching for all students, teachers, and parents involved.
After a brief introduction, the second section, SOL-classes and their organizational support through social media, presents the fundamental principles behind our work. The third section, the structure of the (digital) spaces, takes a closer look at the meaning of and necessity for smart classroom management. The fourth section, online-supported organization of self-organized learning, focuses on the role of the teacher as organizer and manager within the setting of SOL. In addition to technical supplies like notebooks, tablets, and Wifi, the continuous exchange with the students’ parents via an online messenger service especially developed for school usage is an integral part and permanent feature of our approach to SOL. The fifth section, social interaction between teacher, pupil and parents, explains the social interaction in the classroom and in the support platforms used. The sixth and final section summarizes the results of our project class for online-supported self-organized learning and gives a short outlook on our current projects.