Innovative E-Learning Offers to Complement the Out-of-School Learning Places GIS-Station and Geco-Lab

  • Johannes Keller (Author)
  • Vanessa Schmidt (Author)
  • Christina Fiene (Author)
  • Alexander Siegmund (Author)


Geographical methods such as satellite image analysis or geoecological laboratory methods offer numerous possibilities for motivating, competence- and action-oriented geography lessons. Despite their manifold potentials, these methods are not widely used in the classroom. The aim of the out-of-school learning places GIS-Station – Center of Competence for digital Geomedia and Geco Lab - Center for Competence Geo-ecological Space Exploration is the integration of geographical methods in classrooms, which is challenging yet promising for teachers and students. This aim requires the development of adequate didactic concepts and the design of courses based on these concepts. Since 2010, more than 100 school classes participated in the courses offered by the two competence centers on the use of satellite imagery and geoecological laboratory methods. However, due to the limited catchment area, the two out-of-school learning places are not a solution for an area-wide integration of these geographical methods in schools. For this reason, an e-learning offer was developed to supplement the classroom-based courses, for which the existing didactic concepts and contents were adapted. In addition, the courses were designed to be interactive, adaptive and with virtual reality (VR) to use the potential of digitization to create e-learning courses that are easy to use and have a benefit for students’ learning benefit.


Deutsch; English
E-Learning, Satellite Imagery, Digital Geomedia, Geoecological Laboratory Methods, Climate Change Education