Additional Value for All?

The Perspective of Academics in the Networking Project Campusschulen at the University of Potsdam

  • Dorothea Körner (Author)


Networks in the education sector fulfil a variety of tasks and functions. At the interface between universities and schools, they represent an important transfer format. In order to assess the results of this network work, the teachers involved have so far been surveyed as a matter of priority.. The present article contributes to closing this gap by reporting the views of scientists involved in networking activities at Potsdam University. The interview data of five scientists are analyzed using content analysis. The results suggest that, despite various problems, networking is perceived as beneficial and has diverse effects on the scientists. In their daily work, they have made their teaching more practice-oriented through the project, while their research also benefited from insights into and feedback from practice. The collected data can also be used for various publications, and doctoral projects have emerged. For the personal area, the development of social skills and a positive attitude towards new collaborations were described. The existing format is attributed an important role in teacher education by the scientists. The results are discussed with regard to sustainable establishment.


Deutsch; English
Networks, Added Value, Scientists, Project Evaluation