The Professionalisation of Teacher Trainees in the Context of Current Migration

The Development of Attitudes towards Refugee and Recently Immigrated Children and Young People

  • Mona Massumi (Author)
  • Karla Verlinden (Author)
  • Ina Berninger (Author)


The paper discusses the extent to which students of teacher training refer to social and political discourses on the construction of "the refugee" and the change in their attitudes during their practical training, which is accompanied by continuous reflection impulses towards a migration-sensitive attitude. The empirical analyses are based on a longitudinal survey of 109 students of teacher training at the University of Cologne, who completed their practical training at the PROMPT! project either in refugee shelter or at school. The descriptive analyses and panel regression models show that changes in students' attitudes can be identified depending on the context of the practical training and university setting.


German; English
Pedagogical professionalization, teaching profession, attitude change, discursivisation of refugee and recently immigrated children and young people, criticism of racism, migration sensitivity