ViflACT! Videobased reflection in Action

Videography as a method of reflective practice in sports studies

  • Isabell Michel (Author)
  • Esther Serwe-Pandrick (Author)
  • David Jaitner (Author)


The professionalization of teachers is essentially aimed at the development of reflective professional agency. In this context, the professionalization of physical education teachers in their university teacher training combines a sports-oriented academic culture with students' physical education- and sport-biographies, necessitating multiple changes of perspective. This is where the project ViflACT! Videobased reflection in Action – Videografie als Methode Reflektierter Praxis im Sportstudium comes in: it approaches the reflective perspective changes of physical education students in educational theory as a transformation of sport-biographical world- and self-concepts. The project thus pursues the idea of linking subject didactics, subject science, and educational science as perspectives for teacher training, while using the potential of digital media for the reflective professional agency of physical education students. Hereby, the project aims to enable higher education didactic development and the exploration of videography as a systematic method of reflected practice in physical education teacher training. Specifically, the video will be didactically implemented as a tool in three courses of the physical education curriculum and it will be evaluated to what extent it promotes reflective processes in students.


German; English
Reflected practice, physical education teacher training, higher education didactics, videography, habitus