Does the didactical use of social media make our school children smarter? A tandem interview

  • Verena Gonsch (Author)
  • Cord Santelmann (Author)

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A future without social networking sites (SNS) – also in education – is unthinkable. However, when Johanna Wanka, former German minister of education, announced in October 2016 the government’s decision to invest five billion euros in the digital facilities of German schools, she met with criticism: Some teachers’ associations refused the offer, arguing that the money would be better spent by overhauling existing infrastructures. The discussion about new technologies in education is still dividing the country. But why is that?

This interview opens up a space for the exchange of opinions beyond the boundaries of faculties and institutions. We spoke with two experts who engage with the topic of using SNS in schools: Verena Gonsch thinks the harsh critique of SNS in schools results from the unsubstantiated and tradition- based concern of losing control over teaching (and the lives of the students). Cord Santelmann warns against the risks of social networks reducing human interaction in education and thus impairing educational achievements and social development.


social networks, negative and positive influence of social media, distraction, fear reduction, risks