App, app 'n' away. How social messaging tools like WhatsApp support mobile language learning and teaching

  • Thomas Strasser (Author)


Social messaging services such as WhatsApp have become popular vehicles for mainly synchronous informal and colloquial discourse in various life domains. In order to approach these digital messaging tools from a language-learning / teaching perspective, a conceptual framework for didactic applicative scenarios is of relevance. This paper investigates the effects of micro-learning / teaching tasks in a blended learning context focusing on productive and receptive skills in the EFL classroom. Using lesson simulation tasks from ELT methodology seminars for pre-service teachers at the Vienna University College of Teacher Education, a subject-oriented analysis of ELT methodologies and L2-acquisition performances was carried out. The findings propose that the use of multimodal and ubiquitous social messaging services, embedded into an EFL micro-teaching context, may lead to motivating phases of L2-acquisition among learners.


social messaging, ELT methodology, mobile language learning, motivation in language learning, ARCS, blended learning, seamless learning, ubiquitous learning