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Wissenschaftskommunikation und Wissenstransfer
Identifier (Artikel)
Research communication has been gaining public attention in recent years. Therefore, medievalists also need to focus on the transfer of their research topics to the public both within and outside the university. Based on current political demands calling for a change in communication culture, the article first of all deals theoretically with two different concepts of research communication, by distinguishing between forms of translation and those of popularization. Numerous public events, exhibitions, and cooperative projects with cities, schools, adult education centres, museums, and other educational institutions show that knowledge about the Middle Ages has been transmitted to interested laypersons for a long time. The authors see a particular challenge in the alterity of medieval culture, which at the same time provides an excellent opportunity for transferring research findings into society. The fascination with medieval materiality facilitates the transfer of knowledge by those disciplines that work with concrete objects, addressing issues of visuality and aesthetic experience. The article pinpoints conditions, strategies, and perspectives of successful research communication in medieval studies, and when focussing on current topics, the authors refer to concrete occasions and regional examples, showing why medieval research is still relevant today.

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