
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Der Beitrag ist bisher unveröffentlicht und wurde auch keiner anderen Zeitschrift vorgelegt (andernfalls ist eine Erklärung in "Kommentare für die Redaktion" beigefügt).
  • Die Datei liegt im Format Microsoft Word, RTF oder WordPerfect vor.
  • Soweit möglich, wurden den Literaturangaben URLs beigefügt.
  • Der Text liegt mit einfachem Zeilenabstand vor, Schriftgröße 12, gegebenenfalls kursiv, nicht unterstrichen (mit Ausnahme der URL-Adressen); alle Illustrationen, Grafiken und Tabellen sind an geeigneter Stelle im Text eingefügt und nicht am Textende.
  • Der Text folgt den stilistischen und bibliografischen Vorgaben in Richtlinien für Autor/innen , die unter "Über uns" zu finden sind.

Author Guidelines

If you would like to submit an article for publication in the Journal, it should be in sound editorial shape before being sent to the editors. The following guidelines are meant to assist you in this process. 

General information

The language of the journal is English, for articles in other languages, please contact the editors beforehand.

After submission, your article will be peer reviewed by two experts. It will usually take about two months until you receive a decision on whether your article is accepted for the journal.

It is assumed that all submitted manuscripts have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Authors who fail to adhere to this condition will be charged with all costs which online might incur and their papers will not be published.

Format and Style

  • Articles
    Typical articles will have around 5.000 to 10.000 words. The journal does not impose a fixed word limit, the editors' emphasis is on quality. However, during the review process reviewers might suggest to elaborate or to shorten an article.

  • Book Reviews

    Usually, book reviews will have around 900 to 1.500 words. The authors are responsible for the content and citations within their articles. The reviewed books should be recent (published between the last two years), focussing on the scopes of the journal (religion and internet).

  • Abstracts of about 150 words are required for all papers submitted.

  • Each paper should additionally have three to eight keywords.

  • You may use any consistent spelling style (of English).

  • The document should have margins of 1” (2,5 cm) with 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The text should be 1,5 spaced.

  • Please provide your manuscript with a clear structure (chapters, headings and subheadings). The article should consist of a headline, the text and the bibliography (bibliography and referred internet sources). The text can be divided into several sub-chapters.

  • Indent all paragraphs, including after the initial paragraph and all headings. Please use a tab, not spaces for indentation.

  • For citations and bibliographical data, use parentheses (round brackets) in the text, according to the Harvard referencing system / Parenthetical referencing. For detailed examples also on the referencing of electronic and internet sources according to the Harvard system, please see University of Southern Queensland: Harvard AGPS Referencing guide, last access 2013/07/15 (

  • Use footnotes (not endnotes) sparingly, numbered consecutively throughout the article, using superscript Arabic numbers.

  • Please send the article as .doc(x), .rtf or .odt file (Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, Open Document Format for Office Applications) to the editor(s) in chief or the official online journal's address:

  • If you want to include visuals in your article, please include the picture(s) in your article. In addition, please also send all visuals as .jpg files to the editors, for it might become necessary to reedit the file for publication.

  • Quotation marks: Single quotation marks (‘ ’) are used to distinguish words, concepts or short phrases under discussion. Direct quotations of fewer than 25 words should be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”) and run on in the text. For larger sections of quoted text (i.e. anything over two lines): Set these off from other text by inserting a blank line above and below the section, and indent the block of text on the left. These larger sections, or ‘block quotations’, should not be enclosed in quotation marks.

  • When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trade mark, authors must use the symbol ® or TM.

Biographical Data

  • All the authors of a paper should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses on the cover page of the manuscript.

  • Additionally the article will close with a biographical note on the author that follows the format below and your institutional address.

    HEIDI CAMPBELL, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Communications at Texas A & M University. Her specialization is in social shaping of technology and religious use of new media. She has published articles on religion and the Internet in New Media & Society and the Journal of Media & Religion, and a book Exploring Religious Community Online: We are one in the network (Peter Lang, 2005).

Copyright and Legal Disclaimer

online – Heidelberg Journal of Religion on the Internet is published by a German university, all legal questions (e.g. concerning questions of copyright) will therefore be regarded under the German law.

As an author, you must accept full responsibility for the content of your article. Therefore, please fill in and sign the copyright form below and send it back (a scan/photo of the document via email is enough) before the publication of the article.


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