Editorial Team
editor in chief
Gregor Ahn, Institute for Religious Studies University of Heidelberg, Deutschland
Professor for Religious Studies, editor in chief of "Online - Heidelberg Journal for Religions on the Internet"
members of the editorial board
Dr. Frank G. Bosman, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology Tilburg, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Oliver Krüger, Chair for the Study of Religion Department of Social Studies University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Dr. Gernot Meier, Studienleiter Ev. Akademie Baden Blumenstr. 1-7 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
secretary to the editorial board
Tobias Knoll, Institute for Religious Studies University of Heidelberg, Germany
Junior researcher of Religious Studies, secretary to the editorial board of "Online - Heidelberg Journal for Religions on the Internet".
editorial assistant
Simone Heidbrink, Institute for Religious Studies University of Heidelberg, Deutschland
Junior researcher of Religious Studies, editorial assistant of "Online - Heidelberg Journal for Religions on the Internet".