“Re-thinking Artistic Knowledge Production: Global Media Cultures—Distributed Creativity.” An Introduction

  • Franziska Koch (Autor/in)
    Heidelberg University

    Franziska Koch is a postdoctoral researcher and assistant professor to the chair of global art history at the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” of Heidelberg University. Her research centers on contemporary Asian art with a focus on China and Korea and on exhibitions as mediators of transcultural artistic and curatorial practices. As a member of the DFG-Research Network “Medien der kollektiven Intelligenz” (University of Konstanz, 2011–2014) she co-organized the symposium “Re-thinking Artistic Knowledge Production: Global Media Cultures–Distributed Creativity” (Heidelberg University, 2013). She is the co-editor of Negotiating Difference. Contemporary Chinese Art in the Global Context (Weimar: VDG Weimar, 2012). Her dissertation will be published as Die “chinesische Avantgarde” und das Dispositiv der Ausstellung. Konstruktionen chinesischer Gegenwartskunst im Spannungsfeld der Globalisierung (Bielefeld: transcript, spring 2016).

Identifier (Artikel)

Identifier (Dateien)


An introduction to the section, “Re-thinking Artistic Knowledge Production: Global Media Cultures—Distributed Creativity,” which features two contributions chosen from a symposium with the same title that took place May 23‒24, 2013 based on a collaboration between members of the DFG research network “Medien der kollektiven Intelligenz” (2011–2014, University of Konstanz) and hosted by the chair of global art history at Heidelberg University. 


Akademisches Fachgebiet und Untergebiete
art history, anthropology, cultural studies, transcultural studies,
Forschungsansatz, -methode oder -verfahren
transcultural studies; art historical approach; cross-disciplinary reflection
collaborative artistic and aesthetic practices, collective artistic practices, global media cultures, distributed creativity, transculturality
Koch, F. (2015). “Re-thinking Artistic Knowledge Production: Global Media Cultures—Distributed Creativity.” An Introduction. The Journal of Transcultural Studies, 6(2), 64–69. https://doi.org/10.17885/heiup.ts.23490